Pine straw popularity is fairly recent in
Texas, but it has been a popular landscape round cover throughout
the South for the last 25 years. In fact, it is one of the most
widely used mulches for all size projects ranging from residential
flower beds to industrial complexes and highway landscapes. Landscapers,
building contractors, and homeowners have discovered that pine straw
has superior properties over other mulches. Unlike other dry organic
mulches such as pine bark, leaves, grass clippings, and peat moss,
pine straw helps provide favorable growing conditions and stimulates
healthy plant development.
We now have 5 balers in East Texas. They are producing over 160,000
bales per year. To support these balers and the industry the US
Forest Service has given a grant to the RC&D. These funds are
being used to support Dr. Eric Taylor of Texas A&M Cooperative
Extension in Overton.
Texas Pine
Straw Website (
This is an in-depth site developed by Dr. Taylor
that links to pine straw harvesters and other professionals, has
streaming video clips of management practices, shows application
and use of pine straw, and economic support system, box baler plans,
calendar of related educational opportunities, a glossary of related
forestry terms, and much more.
Pine Straw
as Ground Cover Mulch Brochure
This is an eye-catching brochure for distribution
in home improvement superstores, that informs homeowners and landscapers
on the application, use, advantages, and availability of Texas pine
Pine Straw in East Texas Forests
This is a ten-page publication directed towards
non-industrial forest landowners and harvesters, describes the site
requirements, management practices, and economic attributes of pine
straw harvesting.
Texas Pine
Straw CD-ROM
This video collection is made available on CD-ROM
packed with more than 600 megabytes of pine straw video clips, activities
and text.
Current Pine Straw Balers
Clay Alverson - Angelina County
(936) 635-3916
Charles Morris - Rusk County -
(903) 898-2868
or call Jody Anderson (936) 639-0625